Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 60.zip
BS1 part 60
Imagemaster d4.adf
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Text File
153 lines
\: - This is the Quick Help for the clipping pad canvas panel -
\: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\: Written by David E. Patterson
\: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\font topaz.font 8
\tc 1
\dd "imh_descriptor"
\index "hlp_index/index"
\toc "hlp_toc/toc"
\help "aa_help/help
\node "mrca_horscale"
\title "Horizontal Scale"
\next "mrca_vertscale"
\prev ""
This allows you to change the horizontal scale of the clipped region. The
slide is initially set to the center position which is no change to the
clipped regions scale. The scale can then be adjusted to increase or
decrease the horizontal scale of the clipped region.
\node "mrca_vertscale"
\title "Vertical Scale"
\next "mrca_xdim"
\prev "mrca_horscale"
This allows you to change the vertical scale of the clipped region. The
slide is initially set to the center position which is no change to the
clipped regions scale. The scale can then be adjusted to increase or
decrease the vertical scale of the clipped region.
\node "mrca_xdim"
\title "X-Dimensions"
\next "mrca_ydim"
\prev "mrca_vertscale"
This allows you to manually specify the X dimensions.
\node "mrca_ydim"
\title "Y-Dimensions"
\next "mrca_tl"
\prev "mrca_xdim"
This allows you to manually specify the Y dimensions.
\node "mrca_tl"
\title "Top Left"
\next "mrca_tc"
\prev "mrca_ydim"
This will place the clipped region in the top left corner of the screen. \{
\ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger than
the area alloted as the "top left".
\node "mrca_tc"
\title "Top Center"
\next "mrca_tr"
\prev "mrca_tl"
This will place the clipped region in the top center of the screen. \{ \ts b
Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger than the
area alloted as the "top center".
\node "mrca_tr"
\title "Top Right"
\next "mrca_ml"
\prev "mrca_tc"
This will place the clipped region in the top right corner of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "top right".
\node "mrca_ml"
\title "Middle Left"
\next "mrca_mc"
\prev "mrca_tr"
This will place the clipped region in the middle left edge of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "middle edge".
\node "mrca_mc"
\title "Middle Center"
\next "mrca_mr"
\prev "mrca_ml"
This will place the clipped region in the middle center of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "middle center".
\node "mrca_mr"
\title "Middle Right"
\next "mrca_bl"
\prev "mrca_mc"
This will place the clipped region in the middle right edge of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "middle right".
\node "mrca_bl"
\title "Bottom Left"
\next "mrca_bc"
\prev "mrca_mr"
This will place the clipped region in the bottom left corner of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "bottom left".
\node "mrca_bc"
\title "Bottom Center"
\next "mrca_br"
\prev "mrca_bl"
This will place the clipped region in the bottom center of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "bottom center".
\node "mrca_br"
\title "Bottom Right"
\next "mrca_newnam"
\prev "mrca_bc"
This will place the clipped region in the bottom right corner of the screen.
\{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} will tell you if the clipped region is larger
than the area alloted as the "bottom right".
\node "mrca_newnam"
\title "New Name"
\next ""
\prev "mrca_br"
This text entry field allows you to specify the name of the new buffer.